Leading the Way, Discovering


UCSD is the only academic medical center in the region, which means the vast majority of research and discovery happens by the people who walk the same halls I do. I interact with them on a daily basis, and that is humbling to say the least.

While we can speak to excess about the discoveries we make through research, it has become imperative that we discover the people around us. Through times of stress, many people have a tendency to point fingers and blame others who stand in between us and our goals. We may be well intentioned, attempting to advocate for our patients or just trying to finish our assigned task. But it’s important that everyone has a different role and seeing things from another person’s perspective benefits the team and the organization as we move forward together.

“You never know what someone else is going through. Give them grace.” Words from my wise dad have gotten me through some situations that had potential for disaster. I followed his advice and passed his words on to countless EMTs who became frustrated with snippy MICNs, angry receiving nurses, etc.

Instead of getting frustrated, I respond with kindness and patience. If possible, I do what I can to make another person’s day a little easier. This often involves looking to see what needs to be done and just doing it. If the ED techs were busy, it wasn’t uncommon for me to grab a bottle of wipes and clean a room, even if it wasn’t intended for my patient. If a nurse on the unit is busy and has a million things to do, I’ve been known to go empty all of the foley bags, acknowledge a patient who is yelling out, or tidy up patient rooms.

If we understand each other, we know how to help each other. Empathy and teamwork go hand-in-hand.I’m always learning, and have no intention of slowing down. I look forward to discovering something new every day at UCSD.

Author: Brittney Ahern

Brittney graduates from Southwestern college in May 2022, and anticipates earning a BSN from Grand Canyon University in August 2022. She is excited to bring her experience in EMS, heart for people, and love of learning to her first RN role.

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Leading the Way, Seeing