D.R.E.A.M. at UCSD

I am proud to be one of the participants in the D.R.E.A.M. externship program at UCSD during the pilot cohort 2021-2022. The “terrific ten” were able to participate in enriching experiences to achieve competency in relationship-based care, honoring diversity and culture, community nursing, and health literacy and disparities. Simulation, skills lab, and clinical experiences in a variety of settings.

Mission: To create, nurture, and sustain an inclusive nursing workforce that meets the needs of our diverse patient population.

dream team day one

DREAM Externship

The DREAM Nurse Externship Program at UCSD launched in the Fall of 2021 with its founding cohort of 10 students from Southwestern College. The program focuses on recruiting and retaining ADN-prepared registered nurses at UCSD Health in an effort to contribute to a diverse workforce, meeting the needs of UCSD’s diverse patient population. DREAM (diversity, retention, equity, aspire, mentor) was created by Cabiria “Bea” Lizarraga, Genesis Bojorquez, and Gwendolyn McPherson. They couldn’t do it alone— the support of Senior Director of Nursing, Gerard W. Phillips.

Due to the competitive nature of new graduate RN positions in San Diego, ADN graduates may struggle to earn employment at major medical centers. The DREAM program offers enrichment to the externs who are able to attend didactic courses in critical thinking and judgment, nurse wellness, healthcare research, health literacy, and other UCSD nurse training opportunities like restraints and safe handling. They also developed a case study.


My Experience

I was able to complete my clinical experience on two different units: progressive care unit and emergency department. The organizers of the DREAM program were thoughtful about our placement in the units, ensuring that they were appropriate levels of care for our unique skill levels. The clinical experience I gained in this program helped me to feel more confident interviewing for and working in positions alongside my BSN-prepared counterparts.

The most meaningful aspect of the program was my assigned mentor. The mentor’s role is separate from that of a preceptor. The mentors were chosen from within the UCSD system and outside of the UCSD system. Officially, we meet with our mentors once per month, but my relationship with my mentor outgrew that monthly meeting. We check in with each other almost daily. If I could have one wish granted, it would be to see myself through my mentor’s eyes. She’s my biggest cheerleader and believes that I can do anything. In nursing school, everyone should have their own assigned cheerleader.

My cohort formed a close bond from the first day. We all gathered monthly for our didactic courses. But we laughed together, ate together, and cried together as we reflected on our journey to and through the DREAM experience. The relationships we formed will last a lifetime. We shared struggles and successes, and I look forward to starting our New Grad RN programs at UCSD together this summer. As we prepare for our New Grad RN interviews, I reflect back on a statement I made during my DREAM interview. After the organizers described the program I said, “it sounds like a big hug!” They smiled at each other, knowingly. It was a hug, indeed— and so much more.

Events / Requirements


Clinical Rotations

Fall 2021
UCSD Hillcrest, PCU 7W

Spring 2022
UCSD Hillcrest, Emergency Department


Didactic Courses

August 2021
Orientation; restraints training

September 2021
Critical Thinking & Judgment, Ricky Padilla

October 2021
Nurse Wellness, Dr. Ana-Maria Gallo

November 2021
Job Readiness Workshop, Doug Levine

December 2021
Research & Library Resources, Korey Brunetti

February 2022
Health Literacy, Ayelet Ruppin-Pham MN, RN PHNA-BC

March 2022
Agent of Change, Pharmacology

April 2022
Case Study Presentations
Job Readiness/Branding, Doug Levine