International Service

Canon De Las Corretas in Tijuana, Mexico

15 students from the LVN and ADN/RN programs at Southwestern College traveled with Program Director Dr. Samantha Girard and Professor/Assistant Director Dr. Eileen Rodriguez to the community of Cañon De Las Corretas in Tijuana, Mexico.

There, students met a local hero, Mama Yoli. She runs the home known as Comedor Mama Yoli, which she has used to help mothers and children since 1989. She works seven days per week, but she credits God and the community (including the ‘mamas’ who benefit from her work.

A widow and mother of seven, she dedicated herself to ensuring the children of recycling plant workers were safe and fed Monday-Friday. Weekends are for feeding the community so that the bills can be paid.

At 70 years young, Mama Yoli may be retired, but she shows no signs of slowing. The group of students from Southwestern College vowed to return often!


Mama Yoli, Southwestern College students and faculty say “hasta luego” outside of Comedor Mama Yoli. (April 2022)

Students and faculty engaged in fundraising and donated pantry staples (rice, beans, lentils, sugar) and hygiene items (feminine hygiene items, oral care items for adults and children, soap). The group was able to donate packages that benefit 60 families.

Students were able to interact with individuals from many parts of Mexico and other parts of Latin America. They also discovered a number of Haitian refugees who have been living at or near Comedor Mama Yoli for several years.