Card Writing


Care Packages

In the Fall of 2020, I worked as an EMT and found myself responding to emergencies at nursing facilities (both COVID and non-COVID). In talking to my patients, I realized how they were isolated from the outside world, unable to receive visitors, and they were afraid of the potential of contracting COVID. Many were suffering from depression and their sensory deficits made it difficult to receive phone/video calls from friends and family.

I hand-wrote 100 cards and put them inside care packages to help lift spirits in long-term care facilities around San Diego County.

In the Spring of 2021, I continued my mission to spread happiness throughout the county! I joined the Patient Advocacy Card Writing Project with Jewish Family Services and wrote 168 cards that were to be distributed to older adults throughout San Diego. Maintaining the mental and emotional well-being of older adults is important, especially during times of isolation and illness. I was proud to be able to send a bright message of hope and bring a smile to the recipients.